Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A hastily arranged reading of the play late yesterday afternoon. It went surprisingly well. A few changes afoot but it's finally coming together. Decamped to a village pub to discuss things further and, after moving on to the casting trials and tribulations of another play, Ronnie Barker's Cotswolds antiques shop and wayward son, the life and times of various Goons, the hilarious Michael Jackson trial re-enactments and the working practices of journalists, we ended up talking about DIY, which you don't expect from trained actors with soft hands. Arrived home in time to catch Hell's Kitchen. Already I want to punch beady-eyed Gary Rhodes. Loved the reaction from Jean-Christophe Novelli's team - they so obviously couldn't understand a word he was saying in the noisy surroundings. I'd rather be with the latter's bunch. I fail to see how shouting and screaming at people in any walk of life can motivate them. Although, given the environment this lot are in, I suppose it could motivate them into picking up a rather large knife and skewering chef.
Blimey, it's amazing what writing about Paula Radcliffe's impromptu toilet break will do for the site stats. It's at times like this you realise the level of perversion that exists on the net.

Aw, bless 'em. Listening: Mylo - Destroy Rock n Roll, The Bravery - The Bravery, The Caesars -Jerk It Out.

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