Friday, March 16, 2007


There are too few public toilets in Hull. So bear that in mind should you ever head to this ever-improving but geographically challenged cul-de-sac of the north. So, I ostensibly went in Waterstones to use their lavatory but found myself being confronted by all manner of books related to the bi-centenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade act. Yippee to that, obviously, but how many William Wilberforce biographies does there need to be on the shelves? And of course they'll all be republished in 2033 when celebrations for the bi-centenary of the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act commence. By which time Hull will no doubt have even less public toilets.

Sign the Fight for Freedom declaration here.


Anonymous said...

Earlier this week I noticed it was reported that KC is removing a number of the white telephone boxes from around the city. So that means even fewer places to have a pee.

JJ said...

Bad news when you have to plan your comfort breaks in advance when visiting the town centre. I remember when public toilets where everywhere.

Bazza said...

There's a market out there for some clever person.