Friday, December 02, 2005

Walked past the rear of an office furniture suppliers warehouse this morning and heard the strains of Cliff's Mistletoe & Wine blasting out, which was a real joy, I can tell you. This, I imagine, is just the start. Last night, Madonna wanted to tell us a secret on Channel 4. Trouble is, we got bored before we found out what it was. Strange scene in a little old London pub, with Guy Ritchie singing Irish songs as Madge stretched out on a bench and fell asleep. Which at least gave her some rest from cavorting around on stage to lengthy remixes of her songs, opening and closing her legs with annoying regularity. M said, halfway through, that she still finds it hard to believe that the old bloke from the Papa Don't Preach video isn't Madonna's real father. I find it hard to believe that little Rocco and Lola, or whatever she's called these days, aren't paid performers too. We need to get out more. But there's no chance of that happening before I'm A Celebrity ends.

Listening: Devendra Banhart - I Feel Just Like A Child

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