Friday, April 21, 2006

Kane is able

Pocklington for comedy. It's a weird town and not one that the casual visitor would think for even a second lends itself to laughter. But the monthly Mirth Control night there's a good gig in an interesting space. Shame about the people of Pocklington, of course, most notably the heckling fishmonger and butcher of the town and those that enter a venue with a carrier bag full of cheese, and a shame that far too many audience members are of the 'arms folded, make me laugh then, funnyman' variety. Or simply stalkers over from York to invite the compere to a dogging session. Anyway, we saw an exceptional talent in Russell Kane, who was previewing his Edinburgh show which will, he revealed with a rather shoddy graph containing an equation, be about pretention. Certainly nothing pretentious about this stand-up - he was one of the best we've seen for a while. And his riff on cheese, once the contents of the carrier bag were revealed, was an outstanding ten minutes of ad-lib. See him before he gets so big he's playing stadiums.

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