Saturday, November 04, 2006

Big 3-0 dawns...

M has successfully made it to 30! Hurrah! Hip, hip, hooray. And a happy birthday!

By way of celebration, 14 of us went to a place called Hitchcock's last night for vegetarian cuisine. It's a mammoth buffet affair, you can go back for as many refills as it takes to put your stomach under severe strain and there are some fantastic desserts also vying for what little room might remain in your digestive system. The first person to book a table for the night ends up picking the evening's theme and they'd gone for Hungarian/Eastern Europe, which was a lovely and wildly varied assault on the palate. A good night had by all, I think.

Naturally there was a frenzy of gift wrap being ripped off various prezzies this merry morn. And then there was a knock at the door. We thought it was the postman with an additional armful of parcels. But no, it was the very friendly man from the house almost opposite. "I didn't know whether to knock you up or not..." "It's okay, I was awake." I was barefoot, I was only wearing the pair of jeans I had pulled on as I headed for the staircase, my chest was bare; I looked very much like I had just been woken up by the very friendly man from the house almost opposite. "I think you're about to get a ticket. Silver Toyota? Parked on double yellows at the top of the street?" "Yeah, that's me." He looked at me, he really thought he had just torn me from my slumber. "Give me your car keys, I'll shift it for you." I gave him my car keys. He's a very friendly man, the man from the house almost opposite, I knew I could trust him. What's more, he saved me from yet another £30 parking fine and reminded me that there are some really good eggs out there. What a beautiful start to a beautiful day in the company of a beautiful, no, very beautiful, 30-year-old.

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