Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yet another entry...

Accompanied M for early morning visit to the midwife for a listen to baby's heartbeat. The baby is "the right size", which is good news. Celebrated with a bacon sandwich, bought some Lincolnshire sausages (big day for meat!) for later and also picked up some Jaffa Muffins - which were basically sponge topped with the chocolate and orangey part of a Jaffa Cake. Afternoon of script revisions, accompanied by more Lux Aeterna which, I think, rather helped the writing process. Emailed the revisions to the necesary folk then watched the rain pour down for a while, feeling content with the work done and, finances aside, life in general. Now, after all that bacon, sausage and cake I'm feeling rather bilious. Ain't life great!

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