Monday, August 20, 2007

Half a job...

Submitted a revised first half of the play. Always a relief to get these things off my hands, a few minutes of calm before the next life-trauma needs unravelling. At almost the same time I got an email from someone informing me that an entire coach load of people are attending the play on the same night. I'm amazed at and impressed by the way some folk can be so incredibly organised five months ahead of an event, if I can call my own play an event - I'll probably only start thinking about my own tix for the play a couple of hours before the curtain (what curtain? Have you ever been to Hull Truck? - reality check ed.) goes up. Quite obviously, having revised the first half of the play now means that I have to turn my attention to the second half for it is, indeed, a play of two halves.

Like the other 60 million writers in the country, I'm also knocking an idea into shape for the Red Planet competition. Now, I'm not big on writing competitions (it's no way to develop anyone's talent, is it?) but it seemed like a nice diversion at the time. And, at last, I'm writing about the wacky world of regional newspapers. I wondered when that would happen and suddenly, it has. It won't stand a chance of winning, I'm certain of that, but what I have doodled thus far may well form the basis of something that could be performed a bit further down the line. Although, maybe not, as that would mean finishing it. In case you're wondering, my regional newspaper drama is not about me, as that would mean that it revolved around a main protagonist who spent much of the time he was being paid to write content for various publications actually writing plays and being in rehearsals instead, rather than around a main protagonist who spent much of the time he was being paid to write content for various publications getting pissed instead. I jest, of course - they all work incredibly hard and very long hours.

1 comment:

More Chips (with gravy) on my shoulder said...

ooh, regional newspapers, hopefully mixed with Into The Mirror. Should be an inky gore-fest. Thanks for the late red planet steer - I may even try and write something, if I can locate the computer from its multi-purpose storage lock-up