Friday, August 31, 2007

Page numbers...

Two hours of writing, almost the same amount of time in OpenOffice trying to work out how to start page numbers from a number higher than "1". If only my high moral and somewhat flawed stance would enable me to use Word, with its better Help. Ah well. Sent off the stuff I'd written, it was a weight off. Had a flurry of Alan Bennettness last night and penned a monologue for someone to perform at a comedy festival, the first of what I hope will be a big sturdy batch of comedic ramblings. This morning I've been getting an idea down on paper for a Monsteristishly large cast fandango for, although not a big stage, a humungous black box down a learning institute up the road. Cripes, I'm actually performing like a writer for once. Must have a sleep. Or at least take the rest of the day off, so I can brace myself for the highlight that will be Brian winning Big Brother tonight. I may even write while I watch that, given that a deadline is looming. Although it's a self-imposed deadline, so I can always move it back. Damn, I'm back to my normal self...

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