Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gothic lunch...

One minute I decide to nip in Beverley Minster to kill ten minutes with a quick wander round and the next, well, I'm lurking about in the roof space. I'd not been in the Minster since I was a primary school pupil. What's that, erm...probably 30 years. Disappointingly, they've not modernised one bloody bit of it and it's really stuck in an 800 year old time warp. No nice wall coverings, no bean bags or scatter cushions. No, just stone and wood and misericords and Purbeck Marble columns. Ah well, I made the most of it and ended up clambering up the spiral staircase with some oldies for a closer look at the treadwheel crane (which hoisted a moveable boss in the air so we could all look down at people and wave and laugh at how small they looked) and to look out of the Rose Window and to simply hang out in the north and south transepts. It was better than staying at my desk eating my cheese sandwiches but when I returned to the office that I'm currently entrenched in nobody was in the least bit impressed.


David said...

I love a moveable boss

Dave W said...

If only they'd all move out of my way!