Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Don't look north...

I might make a fleeting appearance on the Humber's version of Look North jabbering on about new writing and Hull Truck tonight, if I've avoided the cutting room floor and they could salvage any words I might have said between the stuttering. If you're interested - and if you are you must be my mother - you can see it here give or take a few hyperlinks. This is one of several regular pieces about Truck as the new building braces itself for the company's arrival and also coincides with the venue's three-night long PlayWrite festival, which I'll be attending as a paying member of the public and not in the hope of someone coming up to me to tell me they saw me on the telly stammering for 6.7 seconds, nor to nobble all these new writers rising through the ranks (although, hey, there's an idea!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw it! Hubby shouted 'Dave's on telly!' Dave? Then I realised who he meant :-P
It was a good piece. You were absolutely fine, btw.