Sunday, April 04, 2010

What a Gray day...

Closed the cover on Gray's The Last Cigarette for the last time. Well, unless I re-read it at some point, of course, or dib in and out of it, or just open and close the cover for the sheer hell of it. Discovery of a tumour on his lungs was thrown in at the end, little more than an aside, although we knew it was coming. And he knew it was coming. Very moving bit towards the end, too, titled No More Heydays. Will have to put off reading Coda for a while I think - mainly because I want Mr G to live on for a while. Might dib into Enter A Fox tonight but there's a lot of writing to do over the next ten days so anything weightier than 122 pages might get in the way and I don't need any more distractions on top of the many that I already - quite foolishly - surround myself with. Writing of which, just discovered that Simon Gray's Diary is on twitter.

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