Monday, July 05, 2010

Find a play...make a show...

Just seen this from The Guardian the other day. Hull Truck founder Mike Bradwell speaking the truth. Great stuff - can't wait to read The Reluctant Escapologist: Adventures in Alternative Theatre

"...the biggest single area of growth in theatre has been in the relentless expansion of the administrative and entrepreneurial classes. Indeed it seems that the history of the last 50 years of British theatre forms a perfect arc. The first 25 years were devoted to the struggle of artists and practitioners to get their hands on the means of production. The second 25 were spent watching management and executive claw them back.

"I want to remind theatre-makers that it is possible and even desirable to make their theatre outside the warm embrace of the theatrical establishment.

"...I would still like to think that, lurking in a dark alleyway round the back of every new £15m glass and steel culturally non-elitist Shopping Mall Playhouse and Corporate Entertainment Facility is a gobby and pretentious 20-year-old with a passion for real theatre, a can of petrol and a match."
So, what are we waiting for?

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