Tuesday, November 17, 2009


There is currently a German Market in Hull city centre, part of the city's festive entertainment. I have heard a few people complaining, saying silly things like, "Why are they here? Is there a Hull market in Germany?" This suggests that Hull's markets are exportable. The all-year-round market that takes place twice a week not a million miles from our house is a notorious outlet for counterfeit goods and, on Sundays, is more of a car boot sale than a place to head for fresh foodstuffs. Germany would not want it. Last night, at around 6pm, as we were killing some time before heading to the cinema, myself and son Sam wandered around the visiting German Market. We were, aside from the German stallholders, the only people there. Which was a little strange but rather typical. I say hurrah for Extrawurst, Fleischwurst and juicy old Bierwursts. But, it would appear, I'm in the minority.

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